Friday, June 6, 2008

I've been a bad blogger

I guess I just got busy. Anyways to quickly recap some of the big events. My one woman show "against type" went really well. The audience was not huge but very appreciative and I was proud of the performance that I put out, so i will mark that as a success.
Frank and I went camping last weekend. We had a great time although we were caught in the middle of a huge thunderstorm our second night. It was my first time camping in a storm like that. It was scary, but exciting!
It looks like this is going to be a summer of trying to keep it cheap. I am continuing to take any money making opps I can get to try to get out of debt and contiune to save. Since I did Dave Ramsey's financial peace last year with Frank, I have been a completely different person. I don't use my credit cards at all anymore, and extra money goes first to paying down bills and debt! I am looking forward to the day when I can say, I am debt free and I have a financial future where I can give freely, pay all bills with no problems, retire without debt and have some money on the side.

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